Democratic Republic of Congo
Employer-sponsored employee benefits in the Democratic Republic of Congo include health insurance, retirement savings, and death benefits. Perks are not common in the country.
Employer-sponsored employee benefits in the Democratic Republic of Congo
ASCOMA Health & Benefits provides companies with a unique service in Sub-Saharan Africa, including advice, technical assistance, auditing healthcare plans, providing management, and implementing cost controls.
ASCOMA Health & Benefits also provides:
- Comprehensive direct billing with an extensive network of authorized providers.
- Medical advisors who constantly develop the network of healthcare providers, standardize medical rates, implement hospital inspections, and take responsibility for epidemiological research and monitoring.
- A portal for clients to monitor their policy data and statistics and submit online requests for enrollment and withdrawal.
- A portal for employees to see their benefits and claims, submit requests for claims reimbursement, and find the closest provider within ASCOMA’s network.
- Insights to improve medical cost control by reviewing clients’ global statistics by benefit, beneficiary status, association, illness/disease, geographical area, beneficiary or family, and healthcare center.
Retirement savings or supplementary retirement savings (defined contribution)
The retirement savings contract is a group life insurance policy taken out by a company. It is open to all employees or a category of employees, depending on the company’s preference.
The purpose is to guarantee each member’s constitutionand payment of retirement capital or annuity at retirement. The capital or annuity to be paid is obtained by capitalizing contributions net of costs at the technical interest rate plus any profit sharing.
Other pensions include a group pension provision, supplementary health pension, death benefits, a mixed education pension, and an end-of-career indemnity.
The retirement age in the DRC is 65.
Death Benefits
Death benefits allow employees to transfer a lump sum or an annuity to the designated beneficiaries. The beneficiary clause is one of the essential elements of membership. It determines to whom and how, if an employee dies, the death benefit will be transferred. The lump-sum death benefit is not included in the devolution of the estate if an identifiable beneficiary is designated.
Specific death benefits available in the Democratic Republic of Congo include term death, mixed education pension, family protection, and other national death policies such as funeral expenses and accidental death.
This information about employee benefits in the Democratic Republic of Congo is provided by ASCOMA, Asinta’s employee benefits consulting Partner in the country. If you need support with your benefits program in the country, please contact Asinta, and we will connect you with the local experts at ASCOMA.