
Mandatory employee benefits in Togo include retirement, medical, disability, and death insurance. Common supplementary employee benefits in the country are the same but include AD&D. Perks are not common in the country.

Asinta Partner
Joseph Lotin


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Mandatory employee benefits

Retirement (Pension)

In Togo, the social protection system consists of:

  • National Social Security Fund (CaisseNationale de SécuritéSociale – CNSS) and
  • Pension Fund of Togo for civil servants, military or magistrates, and agents of the State (Caisse deRetraites du Togo – CRT)

The CNSS protects employed persons, public-sector salaried employees, salaried agricultural workers, and informal-sector workers. Both the employer and employee contributions to the scheme. The employee contributes 4% of the gross monthly earnings, while the employer contributes 17.5% of the salary (12.5% towards old-age pension). The monthly remuneration used for calculating contributions must not be less than the minimum wage.

Medical Insurance

Under the labor code, employers must provide medical services to employees and:

  • Create a medical service facility if the workforce exceeds 1,000 employees or offer a business-to-business medical service.
  • Have an agreement with a registered medical center if the workforce is less than 100 employees.

A state-sponsored plan covers the medical care for the country’s most vulnerable populations.

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is governed by the Social Security Law and supported by the employer’s 2% gross salary contribution. It covers work-related accidents and injuries sustained while coming to and from work.

Disability – Sickness Benefits

According to Articles 55 and 58 of the Labor Code, in the event of an employee’s inability to work due to non-occupational illness, the employee receives compensation from the employer depending on the number of employment years. Employees get 100% of their salary for the first 5 days of absence.

There are also benefits available for temporary, permanent, and partial disability.

Death & AD&D

These benefits include a survivor’s pension, an orphan’s pension, and a pension for dependent parents and grandparents. A funeral grant is also available.


Supplementary employee benefits


Employers provide supplementary retirement benefits through group pension plans. These contracts are established through collective bargaining agreements.

Employers also provide end-of-career allowance benefits to employees when an employee terminates their employment with the company, retires, or dies.

Medical Insurance

Employers in the country provide medical benefits through group health insurance plans. The group medical insurance plans offer emergency evacuation facilities for severe health issues. Expats are suggested to obtain coverage under group medical insurance plans.


Employer-sponsored short-term and long-term disability benefits are not common in Togo.

Death and AD&D

Employers provide the following:

  • Death benefits through a group life insurance plan and group death insurance plans.
  • Accidental death and dismemberment benefits through group life insurance and group personal accident insurance plans.


ASCOMA provided this information about employee benefits in Togo. Should you need support with your benefits in the country, contact Asinta, and we will put you in touch with the experts at ASCOMA.

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