
Asinta Partner

Gabriel Rico

Total Clients Served: 1,049

Total Lives Covered: 55,052

Established in 2002, Fidex is a company known for its extensive experience in the insurance market and for providing employee benefits management, voluntary loyalty programs management, advisory and brokerage services.

With +66 employees, +40 insurer and surety carrier relationships, and best practices and corporate governance guiding our business, we provide personalized and tailor-made service and support to our clients.

The advantages of working with Fidex include the following:

  • Effective execution of our service promise to you
  • Market management
  • Claims management
  • Global coverage and international experience
  • Information technology
  • Quality of our human talent

Gabriel Rico


Headquarters: Pedro Ramírez Vázquez 200-8-piso 9
Valle Oriente
66269 San Pedro Garza García
N.L., Mexico

Mexico City:  Reforma 180 – Paseo de la Reforma 180, piso 12 Interior A Colonia Juárez
06660 Cuauhtémoc
CDMX., Mexico


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Gabriel has +30 years of experience in the insurance industry involving risk management, employee benefits, and business development activities. He is the founding partner and commercial director at Fidex, where he leads business development, sales, operations, finance, information technology, and human development. Previous experiences include risk management in a large multinational organization and corporate sales at a well-known insurance company.

His educational background is in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tec de Monterrey, an MBA from EGADE Business School, as well as studying Top Business Management from the IPADE Business School.

Outside of work, Gabriel enjoys spending time with his family, friends, and dog, sports, outdoors, and learning to grill. He will take any opportunity to escape to the beach somewhere in Baja.