Ireland COVID-19 Employer Resources

Ireland is currently in total lockdown until March 5, 2021, and there is very little clarity as to the re-opening schedule that will follow this third wave of the virus. Also, hospitals are now at full capacity,  and combined with the relatively slow roll-out of the vaccine, full re-opening does not seem likely until May at the earliest.

COVID-19 vaccine considerations for Ireland

  • Can employers mandate the vaccine?
    It will depend on the industry and the employee's role.
  • Who will control delivery of the vaccine?
    National health service
  • Who covers the cost of the vaccine?
    National health service
  • Where will people get vaccinated?
    General practitioner’s office or pharmacy
  • Is there cultural resistance to getting the vaccine?

In Ireland, the vaccine is being provided free of charge by the government through the public health system.  As part of the European Union, Ireland will receive vaccines throughout 2021 that have been pre-purchased by the EU block.  It doesn’t appear at this point that there will be any additional vaccine available for individuals or companies to purchase privately during 2021.

More Information

Ireland’s Health Service Executive COVID-19 Website

Ireland and COVID-19 Vaccinations

Employment Law and COVID-19 Vaccine

More news and statistics about Ireland and COVID-19


This information is provided by Howden Ireland, Asinta's partner in Ireland.

Employee Benefits in Ireland

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Top 6 Vaccine Considerations

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Page last modified: January 27, 2021

The information presented on this site is current as of the date initially posted; and, because matters related to COVID-19, the vaccine, and compliance measures are changing so quickly, it may not be current as of the date you read it. While the information gathered here is from Asinta global partners who are subject matter experts in their respective fields, this information is not meant to be a substitute for individual legal or medical advice, or as a substitute for advice in your specific situation.

Previous Coronavirus News for Employers in Ireland

Coronavirus Update for Employers in Ireland

The Irish government announced a five phase plan to cautiously reopen society and business beginning May 18th. Private medical insurance rebates have also begun, as... Read More