Brazil’s ANS Approved Encorafenib and Cetuximab for Mandatory Coverage

ANS approved Encorafenib and CetuximabBrazil’s National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) approved Encorafenib and Cetuximab in combination to treat colorectal cancer effective December 1, 2023. This makes coverage for these drugs compulsory for employer-sponsored health plans.

This addition to the ANS’ List of Health Procedures and Events, according to the updated Normative Resolution, is subject to the utilization guidelines established by the ANS. According to the agency, the proposals to incorporate new technologies into the list were submitted to health technology assessment processes, following models similar to those adopted by countries such as  Germany, Australia, Canada, and England.

According to the ANS, the List of Procedures includes more than 3,000 health technologies that are compulsorily covered by regulated health plans.


This article about Brazil’s ANS approving Encorafenib and Cetuximab is provided by SCIATH, Asinta’s employee benefits consulting Partner in the country. If you need support with your benefits in Brazil, please contact Asinta, and we will put you in touch with SCIATH’s local experts.