Asinta Business Etiquette Insight: Germany

September 20, 2016:

Is your company looking to set up a new business in Germany? Here are some useful business etiquette insights to help guide you in the right direction:

a) You are advised to learn about the culture and customs of Germany in advance. Germans are great sticklers for rules and regulations and their adherence to these, particularly in a business situation, results in a low degree of flexibility and spontaneity. Business is viewed as a very serious matter with the highest standards of business etiquette being extremely important. They do not like surprises, so any sudden change in business transactions is not appreciated.

b) Make sure that your business appointments are organized and confirmed well in advance and detailed agendas distributed so everyone is prepared. Meticulous planning is essential as the Germans expect structure and order for meetings. Always be punctual as even being a few minutes late can cause offence. For very important meetings, it is advisable to arrive 5 to 10 minutes in advance. If an unavoidable delay occurs, make sure you call ahead and explain your situation.

c) Business dress in Germany is understated, formal and conservative. Businessmen are expected to wear dark suits, conservative ties and white shirts; businesswomen dark suits, white blouses or conservative dresses – even in comparatively warm weather! Do not remove your jacket or tie until your German colleague does so. Women should refrain from wearing heavy make-up and ostentatious jewelry/accessories.