Benchmarking Employee Benefits in Colombia 2022

benchmarking employee benefits Colombia 2022If you want to benchmark employee benefits in Colombia, a good place to start is by requesting this Market and Benchmark Insight Report for Colombia – 2022.

Asinta’s Colombian Partner Correcol compiled the information so it is easy to understand and gives you a solid footing to help you move forward in your decisions about the benefits you will offer to employees in Colombia.

Updates inside the report for 2022 include:

  • Page 3 – increases to both survivors and short-term disability (maternity) benefits.
  • Page 4 – increases to maternity and paternity leaves.

In addition, you’ll see Enrique Acevedo Schwabe is now Correcol’s Chief Executive Officer and there is a new member of the company’s global team, Alejandra Hurtado.

Example details inside the report

Salary levels will impact benefit provisions. The Executive and Management salaries in Colombia range from COP 14.000.000 per year (USD 3.681,79) to COP 354.000.000 per year (USD 93.096,65). The median executive salary is COP 96.000.000 (USD 25.246,55). In lower-paid industries, you may find only senior managers provided with supplemental employee benefits. It is also common for directors or managers to have benefits with higher limits.

For example, life insurance policies may have higher insured limits.


If you have further questions about benchmarking employee benefits in Colombia 2022, please contact Asinta, and we will connect you with Correcol’s local benefits experts.