Canadian employment insurance sickness benefits increases
Canadian employment insurance sickness benefits are an important measure for supporting workers who are in the difficult circumstance of having to temporarily leave their job due to illness, injury, or quarantine. These benefits are available to qualifying claimants who are unable to work and allow them the time needed to restore their health before they can return to work. Employment insurance (EI) sickness benefits are paid at 55% of the applicant’s average weekly insurable earnings up to the maximum entitlement amount. The amount for 2022 is $638 per week.
As committed in Canada’s Budget 2021, the government is permanently extending the number of weeks available under EI sickness benefits from 15 weeks to 26 weeks to provide workers with additional time and flexibility to recover before their return to work.
These extra weeks will be available for new EI claims established on or after December 18, 2022.
Read more about Canadian employment insurance sickness benefits.
Cowan, Asinta’s employee benefits consulting Partner in Canada, is available to help support your benefits strategy and implementation in the country. Please contact Asinta for an introduction.