COVID-19 Impact on Employee Engagement in India

COVID-19 Impact on Employers in IndiaPrudent Brokers, Asinta’s Partner in India, conducted a survey in April 2020 to gather a broad perspective on how employers in India were managing the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown. Focal points include the impacts on their businesses and workforce, their business continuity preparedness levels, and their areas of immediate focus to deal with possible financial impact, business and workforce disruption, and ensuring the health and safety of their employees.

CEOs, CFOs, HR heads, C&B heads, Benefits managers, Finance managers and Procurement managers from 339 companies across industries responded to our survey.

Key Findings

  • An overwhelming 55% of the survey respondents said that they may consider moving some of their operations to remote working given their experience during the lockdown period.
  • While there are furloughs and layoffs in some industries, the overall feedback on pay is positive.
  • Employees may see delayed or decreased increments and bonuses during this appraisal season.
  • The most popular way for employers to ensure wellbeing of the employees has been by creating peer support networks to manage the feeling of social isolation amongst the workforce.

For more insights, please read Prudent’s full survey report. We hope some of the positive experiences documented may be useful to you in designing and implementing solutions that have worked for others.