USA: Top 10 Things Employers Need to Know About Wellness

Asinta Partner in the United States, Alliant, has released a list of the top 10 things employers need to know about wellness. Their list includes:

  1. Corporate Wellness, not Employee Wellness. Wellness needs to be integrated into a company’s business in order to be successful
  2. Pecking order matters. There must be leadership and managerial support across the business for corporate wellness to succeed.
  3. It’s not physical. Wellness is about the total person, not just physical activity.
  4. Accountabilitiy is the keyword. Both the company and the employee must be accountable for the efforts involved.
  5. The easy choice. Making healthy options available during the work day make it easier for an employee to make healthy choices.
  6. Size matters. Corporate wellness is not one-size-fits-all.
  7. Your customer. Treat employees like your cstomers – know their needs, survey them, and then customize to them so that overall program viabilitiy and success is sustainable.
  8. Social support. Support from co-workers, family members and the community influence the effectiveness of behavior change and should be integrated into the overall strategy.
  9. One piece of the pie. Wellness vendors are not the wellness program, they are only one component of many that makes up a successful corporate wellness strategy.
  10. Productivitiy & Profitability: Wellness and safety will go hand-in-hand working towards a common goal: to protect employee health and improve organiyational productivity and profitability.

You can download Alliant’s full PDF here.

Do you have questions regarding employee benefits or wellness programs in th United States? Get in contact with Asinta Partner, Alliant via their contact page today to get your questions answered.